1992 SET
Welcome to the Class of '92
“Networking with integrity creates a greater willingness of all parties to be part of a human conduit to serve as energy and resource to one another. Sometimes you will give more than you receive, and sometimes you will get back more than you give. It’s not about keeping score.” – Chris London
We welcome you to the ICCOBA class of 92 webpage. Time flies and so much have changed, our looks, our addresses and many more. However, ensuring and facilitating the continual bonding amongst us and other classes of our alumni is one of our main objectives. Many have affirmed that one of the best things that's happened to them is passing through this great and noble institution. Therefore, we can boldly state that our success today in our various fields of endeavour can be attributed to the foundation laid in Immaculate Conception College Benin City. With this in mind, we seek to support the school in whatever capacity we can so that standards can be maintained and consistently improved upon.
We intend to provide a platform to grow our network, maintain close ties with our school/alumni, engage and support our community and give better insight into our shared experiences. We will continue to be greater together!
May the Almighty bless us all.
Semper Et Ubique Fidelis